ペンシルバニア アリゾナ ミシガンで公聴会を開催【英語字幕ニュース】

トランプ陣営は声明で、公聴会は水曜日に ペンシルバニア州で始まり、来週にはアリゾナ州とミシガン州で 始まると発表した。







ミシガン州共和党下院議長の報道官は、この発表に反論しているようだ。彼は、ミシガン州では大統領の弁護団は 、代わりに書面による証言を提出するよう求められていると主張している。

Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan to Hold Public Hearings

The Trump campaign, in a statement, said public hearings begin Wednesday in Pennsylvania, and next week in Arizona and Michigan.

Stating it’s“in an effort to provide confidence that all of the legal votes have been counted and the illegal votes have not been counted in the November 3rd election.”

According to the Trump campaign, participating senators will each provide a 5-minute opening statement, followed by testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits.

President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani will also make a presentation. Trump campaign Senior Legal Advisor Jenna Ellis said the campaign was pleased with the move.

There were serious irregularities, we have proof of fraud in a number of states, and it is important for all Americans to have faith in our electoral process. All we have wanted from the outset is to count every legal vote and discount every illegal vote.”

A spokesperson for the Republican Speaker of the Michigan House appeared to contradict this announcement. He said that in Michigan, the president’s legal team “has been invited to submit written testimony instead.”
